Frequently asked questions

When can I enroll to open UAS studies?
Registration for individual courses usually ends two weeks before the course starts. Registration for autumn courses opens in early August, for spring courses in early December, and for summer courses in mid-March.
Registration for path studies is open twice a year, in August and December.
See registration and terms of cancellation for more information.
Where can I find the registration form?
The link to the registration form can be found at the bottom of each course description page. The form is set to open at the exact moment the registration period begins.
Path studies
Am I able to work and study in Open UAS path studies at the same time?
This depends on the form of the studies (full-time, part-time, online), the flexibility of your work hours, and most of all, your inner resources.
The path studies include first-year studies of a degree programme and they require commitment and time (one ECTS credit equals approximately 27 study hours), regardless of the form. Please read the path description carefully before registering.
Can I be sure that I'm accepted to a degree programme after completing the path studies?
A study place is reserved for all LAB path students who have completed the required path studies during the last 4 semesters.
Please note:
For the Health Care programmes also three compulsory courses need to be passed:
- Basics of anatomy and physiology, 5 ects
- Clinical Nursing Interventions, 5 ects
- Pharmacotherapy, 5 ects
For the Design and Fine Arts programmes also a portfolio needs to be passed.
Please note that if you are a student from a non-EU/EEA country, you will become liable to pay the tuition fee when accepted to a degree programme.
Read more about separate application
Student fees
I'm a path student. When and where do I pay the student fee?
The first semester fee of 100€ must be paid at the LAB web shop within 7 days after you are notified that you have been accepted as a path student. Payment instructions will be sent in the acceptance letter sent by email.
I'm not able to start my studies after all. What do I do?
Cancellations must be made in writing to avoinamk[@] Please read about our terms of cancellation.
Interruption of Open UAS studies
I want to interrupt my studies. What do I do?
Send a message to avoinamk[@] Please read about our terms of cancellation. If you are a path student, please inform your teacher tutor as well.