Open UAS

In addition to the regular degree programmes, LAB University of Applied Sciences also offers so-called open studies coordinated by LAB Open UAS. The open studies are part of the Finnish adult education system. Open UAS courses are individual, fee-charging courses - they are not full degree programmes, even though they are based on the undergraduate curricula of LAB.

Open Studies are in principle available for all, regardless of age, citizenship or educational background. However, they are targeted for those already living in Finland. This is because Open Studies are not full-time studies and do not lead to a degree or professional qualification - it is therefore not possible to get a long-term student residence permit to Finland based on Open UAS courses. 

Study life laptop and glasses

Course offering

Places in open studies are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. 

Laptop and a light green wall.

Path studies

The path studies concept is used to refer to a set of open studies completed at a Finnish open UAS in a goal-oriented manner.