

Visiting addresses

  • Lahti campus
    Mukkulankatu 19, FI-15210 Lahti
    Niemenkatu 73, FI-15140 Lahti
  • Lappeenranta campus
    Yliopistonkatu 36, FI-53850 Lappeenranta

Contact Search

Admission Services, Lahti
Lahti campus
admissionsatlab [dot] fi
Admission Services, Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta campus
admissionsatlab [dot] fi
Student Services, Lahti
Lahti campus
studentservicesatlab [dot] fi
Student Services, Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta campus
studentservicesatlab [dot] fi
Autumn lake landscape

LUT Academic Library

Lappeenranta | Customer service

  • kirjasto [dot] lappeenrantaatlut [dot] fi | +358 40 159 4941

Lahti | Customer service 

  • kirjasto [dot] lahtiatlut [dot] fi | +358 50 345 9101
A plant and a round mirror

Records Services

Do you need a copy of your degree certificate or transcript of records? 

The Invoicing Address

LAB University of Applied Sciences 782
FI-00074 CGI

Business ID: 2630644-6

We primarily accept e-invoices:

EDI identifier: 003726306446
E-invoicing operator: CGI
Operator code: 003703575029

PEPPOL Participant ID: 0216:003702459042
Data communications service provider: Telia Finland

E-mail invoices will be delivered to:

purchaseinvoices_uniatxbs-salo [dot] com

E-mail invoices must include a visible address and the name of
the university.

The invoice must contain the name of the subscriber and the cost
center, project number or internal order.

More information: lab [dot] talousatlut [dot] fi

Visitor network

LUTGuest is meant for LAB's visitors for short-term use. You can access it as follows:

  1. Select the Wi-Fi connection "LUTGuest" on your device.
  2. Type your mobile phone number on the registration page and choose the right country dial code.
  3. You will then receive an SMS with a username and password.


The whistleblowing channel is based on the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Infringements of European Union and National Law (Whistleblower Protection Act). anyone who, in the course of their work or other duty, becomes aware of or discovers an abuse within the meaning of the Act in the activities of LAB University of Applied Sciences, may report the abuse through the whistleblowing channel.