Responsible, sustainable, and regenerative growth

We believe the growth of businesses leads to well-being. We provide significant added value for the future world of work by means of education and RDI. 

Key competences

A person walking in the hall

Intangible value creation

Economic structures collapse.  Global challenges provide opportunities particularly for SMEs. International growth requires radical innovations.

We support the growth and internationalisation of businesses through strategic design solutions and the commercialisation of innovations.   

 Folded papers on the wall

Multipurpose materials

The climate is changing and the carrying capacity of the environment is threatened. Energy and food are critical resources. Materials must be recycled and utilised in various ways. 

We provide sustainable and scalable solutions for materials and their flows. 

LAB Lahti campus area student housing.

Human well-being

The digitalisation of society, the transformation of well-being, and a changing living environment affect human life. Human well-being leads to evolving, responsible communities that are capable of change.

We develop solutions that support people's physical activity, functional capacity, and safety.


Contact information

Minna Suutari
Vice rector
minna [dot] suutariatlab [dot] fi