Carbon footprint and sustainable campuses

 The sky is reflected from the glass wall

Carbon neutral LAB 2025

Climate change mitigation and a carbon neutrality in 2025 are our strategic choices.

We calculate our carbon footprint every year with Arene's carbon footprint calculator. Calculating our carbon footprint helps us see the impact of our own choices and actions on the environment. In order to achieve carbon neutrality, we also utilize the expertise of our university group, with the help of the Sustainability Science Carbon Negativity Team at LUT University, and implement the LAB's Climate Action Plan.

Promoting the reduction of the carbon footprint of all Finnish universities of applied sciences by Arene's joint commitments

  • We will carry out a carbon footprint calculation annually with a jointly developed calculation model and monitor the development of our carbon footprint.
  • We commit to developing and using calculation criteria to ensure consistency and transparency.
  • We will implement the jointly planned measures in order to reduce our carbon footprint and emissions.
  • We will work together to find other ways, in addition to emission reduction measures, for universities of applied sciences to achieve carbon neutrality in their target timetables.

In Lahti, we operate on a modern and energy-efficient campus, renovated in the former Isku furniture factory in Mukkula. In Lappeenranta, we create new innovations at the international campus in Skinnarila, the largest higher education campus in Southeast Finland. Both of our campuses are in the immediate vicinity of student apartments, with public transport and nature nearby. We benefit from the learning facilities and systems shared with LUT University, the other half of the LUT Universities.

We will work towards our goals with the owner of our Lahti Campus property, Isku Center. We will also work continuously to reduce the energy and water consumption of the building we own on the Lappeenranta Campus and to improve waste sorting. The electricity purchased by the LAB is guaranteed by origin and is 100% renewable (VENI Energia).

Examples of sustainable practices on our campuses

  • We enable our staff and students to work remotely.
  • We provide instructions for recycling and the correct sorting of waste.
  • We reduce paper consumption by using an electronic ERP system and electronic archiving and signing.
  • On the Lappeenranta campus, we have bioscales to measure customer-specific food waste, encouraging people to reduce the amount of food going to waste.
  • The lights in the learning and meeting facilities at the Lahti campus are controlled by motion sensors, which ensures that our electricity consumption is minimised.

Sustainable development and responsibility

Sustainability in education

Sustainability in RDI activities and stakeholder cooperation

More info:

Mika Sipi
Director of Learning and Facility Services
mika [dot] sipiatlut [dot] fi