LUT Universities

LUT University and the LAB University of Applied Sciences compose the high-level, curious and dynamic university group LUT Universities.

LUT is an international science university that conducts strong academic research and provides higher education based on that research. LAB is a higher education institution that specialises in innovation, business and industries. It provides education driven by the needs of the working world and carries out applied research, development and innovation activities and artistic activities.

LUT's research focuses on energy, air, water and responsible business and society. LAB's education, research, development and innovation specialise in the intangible value creation, multipurpose materials, and human well-being. LUT and LAB also collaborate in education and projects in these focus areas.

We are stronger together on the green campuses

The growth strategy of LUT Universities focuses on international student recruitment, education export, new continuing education solutions and paths, and impacting industries.

The education community has 16 500 students and employs 1 800 experts in total. We share campuses in Lahti and Lappeenranta and university services and information systems that support our core activities.

The University Services

The University Services support core functions and achievement of strategic goals of the LUT and LAB.
The customers of the support services include the staff members, students and other stakeholders. The support services are organized in six units:

  • HR and Finance
  • Research services
  • Study services
  • Learning and Facility services
  • Management services
  • Communications and media services

The employer of all university service staff members is LUT University and every employee email is firstname [dot] lastnameatlut [dot] fi (firstname[dot]lastname[at]lut[dot]fi)

Lahti Campus from air


LAB University of Applied Sciences operates in Lahti and Lappeenranta, and also provides education online.