Lappeenranta campus

Lappeenranta campus, shared by LAB University of Applied Sciences and LUT University, is the largest higher education campus in Southeast Finland. 10 000 people work there, 3 400 of them being LAB students.

Excellent facilities for studying

The learning environment in Lappeenranta is state-of-the-art. For example, the technology and health care and social services laboratories are among the most advanced in Finland, and a brand new teaching kitchen and restaurant was recently opened for tourism and hospitality management students.

Over 8 500 students study on the campus shared with LUT University, which makes it the largest higher education campus in Southeast Finland. To make students feel at home, the campus offers extensive services: an academic library, cafeterias and cafes, a new and well-equipped gym, and a general store, just to mention a few.

Truly international learning environment

LAB’s newly renovated Lappeenranta campus is located in the district of Skinnarila, 7 kilometres from the city centre and neighboured by LUT University. LAB has 3 400 students in Lappeenranta, 450 of whom are international degree students, giving the campus a strong international presence.

Lappeenranta is easy to access

Lappeenranta is only a two-hour train ride from Helsinki. Lappeenranta also has its own international airport. The city has a cosy small-town atmosphere and is easy to get around, yet offers a wide range of services, cultural events and recreational activities.

The student union KOE and other organisations arrange activities on campus, and the tutors will introduce you to life in Lappeenranta, the campus, and your fellow students.

Lappeenranta feels like your home away from home.

Lappeenrannan kaupunki ilmakuva keskusta

Lappeenranta city

Lappeenranta is an international university city in Southeast Finland. Over 10 % of its 73 000 inhabitants are university students. Lappeenranta is known for its fascinating nature and Lake Saimaa, the fourth largest lake in Europe.

LUT Academic Library Lahti

LUT Academic Library

You can find LUT Academic Library on both campuses and online. The academic library has a vast collection of both print and electronic materials to help with your studies.  LUT Academic Library is the joint library of LUT University and LAB University of Applied Sciences. 

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