
The world of international business is waiting for you! Combine theory and practice, become a professional with strong business management skills.
Rosa Nupponen international business

Study Business in English!

Study business in an international environment on modern campuses!

LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelija.

Apply to LAB – Application Spring 2025 💎

Take a look at the degree programmes and the schedules.

Egor Kashentsev

Egor Kashentsev started his own company as a part of his international business studies

"I have created a project called “Media Heat Agency” during my studies. What ones started as a school project is now an active business company registered in Finland."

Further information about application

Admission Services, Lahti
Lahti campus
admissionsatlab [dot] fi
Admission Services, Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta campus
admissionsatlab [dot] fi