Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business, full-time studies, Lappeenranta, 210 ECTS

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Study international business in Finland

BBA for international business experts

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business introduces you to the world of contemporary business in a modern, international learning environment. The programme combines theory and practice, and you will develop into an international business professional with strong business management skills, communication skills and the ability to work in multicultural environments. 

Future experts, leaders and entrepreneurs need good leadership skills but also ethical thinking and sustainable business enterprise knowledge. Designing services for international businesses requires creativity and innovativeness. 

The content of the studies is continuously updated together with potential employers to meet the skill requirements for future professionals. The studies are carried out entirely in English in an international environment, and they include an exchange period or work placement abroad. The Faculty of Business has over 100 partner institutions and universities around the world.

Close cooperation with businesses and other partners

We believe in innovative ways to develop surrounding business world. Based on this, we have created the International Business programme in close cooperation with businesses and other partners. Our goal is to ensure that you will be well prepared to work in different international business settings and roles around the world.

During the first year, you will develop a solid foundation for different areas of business knowhow. You will learn what every Bachelor of Business Administration needs to learn, i.e. the basics of international business, international marketing, supply chain networks, financial management etc.

From the second year onwards, you have the opportunity to start personalizing your study path by carrying out complementary competence studies and deepening your expertise. The LAB University of Applied Sciences offers the keys to success in working life and in your own business.

How to Apply?

If you have a Finnish qualification or an IB/EB/RP/DIA-diploma, apply for the programme through the Joint Application.

» Joint Application Guide

If you have completed your degree outside Finland, apply for the programme through the LAB Separate Application.

» LAB Separate Application

Yan Chowdhur - an international business student standing in front of window at the Lahti Campus

The top 5 reasons to study in Finland

What makes Finland the best place to study in the world? And what is so unique and distinct about Finland that it should be regarded as a great place to live? Let's find out!

LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelija.

Apply to LAB – Application Spring 2025 💎

Take a look at the degree programmes and the schedules.

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Do I have to pay tuition fees?

Higher education institutions in Finland charge tuition fees for students from outside the EU/EEA area. Be sure to check the details on tuition fees, available scholarships, and the early bird discount.

Contact us

Admission Services, Lappeenranta
Lappeenranta campus
admissionsatlab [dot] fi

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