Egor Kashentsev started his own company as a part of his international business studies

Egor comes from the capital of Russia, Moscow. A contrast between a metropole of Moscow and a small town of Lappeenranta is big. Still, he enjoys his life in Finland.
“I live inside the purest nature, among forests and lakes, in a very intelligent international society with all the needed facilities that any student may need. There is everything around me to comfortably develop as a person”, Egor says.
Started a real business as a school project
Egor has studied at Lappeenranta for three years. According to Egor, studies at LAB are independent and individual and students can build their own curriculum. In that way, they can emphasize their studies in a way that suits best for their plans.
He also likes the practical themes of the studies. There is a lot of practical training and also a possibility to practice abroad with a small financial support from the university. Another practical thing are different kinds of exercises and events where students can both develop and demonstrate their practical skills.
“For example, I have created a project called “Media Heat Agency” during my studies. What ones started as a school project is now an active business company registered in Finland. We work in the music engineering and media spheres, as well as organize music events, mainly parties and concerts”, Egor tells.
It all started in an elective course called Entrepreneurship, learning by doing.
“As a part of that course, students are given the opportunity to try their business idea in a real life without any risks. If the project is interesting and you manage to convince your teachers of it, the possibility of financing the project by the university opens up. This is the best course in LAB for everyone who strives to become an entrepreneur – it taught me things I would never have found in any book or textbook. The project also set a new stage in my life.”
“I don’t know a single student who wouldn’t be satisfied with the university”
After the graduation, Egor plans to stay in Finland and continue working and developing his business.
“We want to work on music and media industry. The truly large-scale musical projects, such as festivals and concerts, are not so far from the goal.”
Egor recommends LAB for everyone interested in studying in Finland. LAB opens up many possibilities, he says.
“Seriously, I don’t know a single student who wouldn’t be satisfied with the university and their life in Lappeenranta.”
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