Biomaterials research group

The biomaterials research team promotes companies and regions in the needs and opportunities of the circular economy and energy transitions and the transformation of the food system. Our research group works together with industry, regional developers and other stakeholders, promoting sustainable economic growth based on the use and processing of recyclable and renewable materials, and the development of plant-based food products. Our expertise covers e.g. material chemistry, modern food expertise and business development. We have comprehensive research and piloting infrastructures in use.
LAB Food Pilot Plant -tuotekehitysympäristö.

The goal of the research group is to achieve an established position in the development of sustainable value chains, smart biorefinery and food system solutions, and inthe development of bio-based CO2 capture and utilization methods, as well as in national and international networks

Members of the research group

Annakaisa Elo

Chief Specialist, PhD, Adjunct Professor. Environmental biotechnology and in circular economy. Resource-efficient material use and recycling, specializing in carbon and nutrient-saving processes. Expertise in biogas, biochar, microalgae technologies, and recycled fertilizers. CO2 capture, storage, and utilization, forestry and food industry side streams.

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Svetlana Butylina

Chief Specialist PhD. Environmental biotechnology and in circular economy. Resource-efficient material use and recycling, specializing in carbon and nutrient-saving processes. Expertise in biogas, biochar, microalgae technologies, and recycled fertilizers. CO2 capture, storage, and utilization, forestry and food industry side streams.


Malahat Ghoreishi

D.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration. Research focuses on digitalization and circular economy, data-driven value chain in circular economy, data-driven and digitally enabled business models in circular economy. Expertise also includes sustainability reporting based on GRI standards and ESG reporting regulations.


Mourad Kharbach

Chief Specialist (PhD x2) Data Science and Machine Learning with dual PhDs in Chemometrics & Data Science Approaches and Pharmaceutical Sciences/Analytical Chemistry. He specializes in AI/ML, multivariate analysis, spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, process control, process optimization, MSPC, statistics, and quality control.


Saara Sammalisto

Researcher (Doctor of Food Sciences) specialized in grain technology. In her doctoral thesis, she investigated gluten-free oat baking (such as oat cultivar differences, hydrocolloids) and optimizing the milling process of oats. She aims to understand which raw material properties and processing conditions of oats are beneficial in various oat products.


Mari Eronen

Researcher (M.Sc. in Circular Economy). Her areas of expertise include nutrient recycling and related legislation, renewable energy solutions especially in rural environments, and agroforestry. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Sustainability Science at LUT University.

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Kati Mustonen

Lecturer in Environmental Technology (MSc) and PhD student focusing on utilizing side streams from the forest industry in composites. Extensive expertise in the utilization of forest industry side streams in various applications. Over 20 years of experience in the forest industry, both in factory settings and as a consultant.



High-value carbons from agricultural biomass.


Improving food systems sustainability and soil health with food processing residues.

Hiiliketju project

HIILIKETJU-project aims to create new economic ecosystems based on BioCO2, and eventually create new, profitable business models on capturing and utilizing CO2.


Circular Systemic Solutions for Plastic, Packaging, Bio-Waste, and Water.

Pulina project

The high-value components of sewage sludge – this project aims to improve the cost-efficiency of recovering nutrients, organic matter, and minerals from sludge by simultaneously producing high-value end-products, such as bioplastics.

Contact info

Annakaisa Elo
Chief specialist
annakaisa [dot] eloatlab [dot] fi