CircSyst - Circular Systemic Solutions for Plastic, Packaging, Bio-Waste, and Water
At the center of the project's operations are three value chains of the EU's circular economy plan: water management, biowaste, and plastic and packaging. In addition, potential synergies between these value chains are observed. The transition towards a sustainable economic system is promoted by demonstrating new circular economy solutions in eight different regions in Spain, Slovenia, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Greece and Hungary. Water management demonstrations and pilots are related to the utilization of industrial and municipal wastewater, e.g. in agricultural and industrial applications, and for intelligent wastewater treatment. Regarding biowaste, a flexible and intelligent biorefinery concept is being developed for the efficient recovery of different materials and components, as well as different utilization methods for food industry waste. In the case of plastics and packaging materials, the focus is on solving challenges related to sustainable design, cost efficiency and recyclability of materials.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Horisontti 2020

LAB role
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials