Urbaanin hiilenkierron uudet arvoketjut
HIILIKETJU-project aims to create new economic ecosystems based on BioCO2, and eventually create new, profitable business models on capturing and utilizing CO2. Simultaneously, connecting CO2 producers and users decreases environmentally harmful emissions. During the project, two internationally significant references are created based on the aforementioned BioCO2 concepts: both in Uusimaa and Lahti-Lappeenranta. Both regions have a great number of CO2-producers and -users, but the value chains between them have not been established. The references will be a concrete outcome of the project, and they support creating the concepts for BioCO2 -based business models. The references will be generalized as concepts, which could be mimicked and implemented at the international level. This also supports the export of the domestic companies.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
BF Co-Innovation
Project focus area
Multipurpose materials