Motiivi Wellness services

Motiivi Wellness services office

Motiivi Wellness services office is located at LAB University of Applied Sciences’ Lappeenranta campus’ second floor in room 8234. Picture: Johanna Tielinen.


Are you interested to find out your state of health, do you wish to get support for enhancing work community’s well-being or are you trying to find a way to fulfill your lifestyle change? Motiivi Wellness services at LAB University of Applied Sciences offers services to individuals, sports teams, groups, organizations, and students & staff on campus. 

Motiivi Wellness services employs physiotherapy students under guidance of physiotherapist and a sports instructor. Services highlight expertise and interest in well-being of people. Every customer is met as individual for whom is created individualised service plan based on customers’ needs and abilities.

Motiivi offers variety of services for individuals and work communities, such as work guidance and counselling in musculoskeletal symptoms, personal training, wellness campaigns, event services for workplaces, lessons, and massage therapy. 

Motiivi has versatile exercise and treatment facilities and equipment options available. The biomechanics and exercise physiology’s laboratories serve the physical testing needs of both athletes and recreational exerciser. Motiivi offers example InBody-bio-electrical impedance analysis and Goodfit -Goodness of fit tests.

Explore Motiivi’s services via webpage and contact the Motiivi either by phone or email! We will answer your questions of well-being and create together with you a fitting service plan that suits your individual needs and abilities.

Motiivi's treatment facilities

At 2nd floor of LAB University of Applied Sciences, you can Motiivi’s treatment facilities and the laboratories of biomechanics and exercise physiotherapy. Picture: Johanna Tielinen.


motiiviatlab [dot] fi

Sami Jukkala
Expert physiotherapist
p. 040 635 8510
sami [dot] jukkalaatlab [dot] fi

Pekko Pirhonen
Sports coordinator
p. 040 725 8826
pekko [dot] pirhonenatlut [dot] fi