Personal training

Motiivi Wellness services offers personal training produced by physiotherapy students under professional guidance. The purpose of personal training is to give you guidance and coaching by giving new ideas and practices that support an active and healthy lifestyle. We can support you on for example weight management, strength, endurance, bodyweight-/home workouts and all sporting goals you might have!

The private coaching includes an interview where we determine your goals and perform a short examination to asses a few key movements. After the first meeting we will book another time for you and give you the program. Our goal is to create a motivating, realistic, and at times, challenging program that can be modified during these trying times.

Personal training is free of charge for MOVEO members and LUT/LAB staff members. Personal training is performed via a free application called Zoom. You will only need a computer or a smartphone with a web-camera. You do not have to create a user account when using Zoom.  

Book you time for private coaching from the contacts below!


motiiviatlab [dot] fi

Pekko Pirhonen
Sports coordinator
p. 040 725 8826
pekko [dot] pirhonenatlut [dot] fi