Steps to prepare for climate change

Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge of our time. The focus on climate change has focused largely on mitigation, but adaptation and preparedness are essential as climate change progresses. Municipalities have a key role to play in preparing, as they create the conditions for climate-sustainable everyday life for citizens and companies. Preparedness should be developed from reactive to preventive. Municipalities need to identify the risks and threats that can cause disruptions to services, as well as to minimize the adverse effects of disruptions and to provide essential services to residents in all situations.


The main objective of the Steps to prepare for climate change project is to improve the climate change preparedness and adaptation in the municipalities of Päijät-Häme and to support the implementation of practical preparedness measures in the municipalities. The project also aims to clarify the needs and measures of municipalities in preparing for climate change. With the tool and the operational guidelines to be developed, municipalities will be able to independently promote their preparedness measures in the future and integrate them into their climate strategy or program. In addition, the project aims to strengthen cooperation between stakeholders and activate municipalities to prepare for and intensify longer-term adaptation co-operation between different actors . The project will also provide easy-to-adopt information to municipal decision-makers and staff on the effects of climate change on municipalities.


The project will develop a tool for municipalities to plan and prioritize their measures to prepare for the effects of climate change. In addition, action cards will be developed to serve as concise checklists for implementing preparedness measures. Also, scenarios for the regional effects of climate change will be developed and used in the development of the tool and action cards.

As part of the project, the municipality of Iitti will carry out studies related to storm water and consideration of vegetation in the heat resistance of the infrastructure. The municipality of Iitti will also carry out a pilot related to the consideration of vegetation in the planning of the common area (e.g. park, street). In the municipalities of Päijät-Häme, preparations for climate change are still at an early stage and Iitti is serving as a good example for other municipalities in promoting concrete measures.

Through workshops, the project will intensify cooperation between municipalities, regional authorities, universities and other stakeholders in preparing for and adapting to climate change. The project will organize "climate change walks" in Iitti and other municipalities, where municipal decision-makers and staff will be taken to sites. In addition, the project communicates to target groups through videos, briefings and articles. The information produced serves as a support for decision-making.

The results of the project comprise a tool for municipalities to prepare for climate change and action cards to guide concrete actions. Measures taken by the municipality of Iitti serve as an example for other municipalities in the region. Increased stakeholder collaboration and active communication such as climate walks, videos, fact sheets and articles are also results of the project. The project supports the region's climate work from the perspective of adaptation and preparedness.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

The project started the first discussions with municipal actors, and during the spring of 2023 these discussions were continued in cooperation with the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme.

In February 2023, the students of LAB prepared scenarios about the effects of climate change on the municipalities of Päijät-Häme as group works. These scenarios are used as a background material in the development of the project's tool for municipalities to adapt to climate change.

The project's first climate walk and workshop were organized on the topic of storm water on April, 2023. The next workshop on preparing for the heat was organized in September 2023. In 2024, two workshops on testing the tool were organized. The project has also held other climate change walks and short webinars. 

Three LAB students did their thesis on the heat resistance of vegetation during the year 2023.

Blog posts and other publications in English

Storm water management as part of climate change adaptation in Päijät-Häme

Is summer heat a climate risk to be considered in Päijät-Häme?

Supporting Municipalities in Climate Change Adaptation, Case Päijät-Häme, Finland

Temporary greening experiment to increase biodiversity and the comfort of residents

Sustainable Development Goals

Thesis: Assessing the Role of Vegetation in Enhancing Infrastructure Heat Resilience

Project managers
Marjut Villanen
RDI specialist
marjut [dot] villanenatlab [dot] fi
Project partners