PilotGreen -Vihreän infran kokeiluympäristöt

Vihreä infrastruktuuri_kerrostalo
The PilotGreen -project is developing new and innovative green infrastructure solutions in urban experimental environments. They are necessary solutions for adapting to climate change and increasing biodiversity in a dense urban environment.

The project aims to bring together developers of green infrastructure solutions, such as modular solutions and those integrated into buildings, as well as developers of digital solutions, and to bring along new technology players in the sector. The target groups of the project are the cities and municipalities of Uusimaa and Päijät-Häme Regions, RDI actors, SMEs in the field and procuring companies.

The project partners are the City of Helsinki's innovation company Forum Virium Helsinki and the Universities of Applied Science Metropolia and LAB. Experiments will take place in Helsinki, Lahti and Metropolia’s living lab facilities.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The project has a total budget of 1,250,000 euros, of which LAB's share is 244 155 euros.

The action plan of the project consists of 5 work packages. Student work is also used in different work phases.

The role of LAB

LAB is responsible for the implementation of the International network work and benchmarking, and participates in the implementation of other work packages. LAB aims to promote the emergence of international R&D cooperation by organizing international network meetings and visits abroad.

Green infrastructure experiments are implemented in the Mukkula district. In the experiments carried out in Lahti, local food production and food-related experiences are also promoted as part of the green infrastructure. LAB also organizes a needs assessment workshop, and a training on experimental culture and development by experimenting through urban design.

As a result of the project, the RDI network will expand and continue to operate after the project. The first of the new green infrastructure solutions will have been commercialised and began to operate for the benefit of the cities, municipalities and citizens. The activities will also result in several surveys, evaluations, expert articles, student theses and a handbook for cities entitled “How to act as an experimental environment for green infrastructure”. In this way, the lessons of the project will be able to be widely disseminated in support of regional development.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

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Call for Proposals for Lahti opened on October 21 and continued until November 21 2024.

The burnt plot of the Mukkula shopping center got more vegetation in summer 2024. In the Hukkapuisto experiment, an inexpensive and ecologically sustainable temporary green oasis was created in Mukkula, which offers recreation and other nature benefits to the people. In the Hukkapuisto experiment, waste seedlings were planted in sacks covered with used fair mats and equipped with an irrigation system. There is 40 large sacks planted with trees or bushes and other plants. In addition, there are four benches built from recycled materials.

Plant sacks and benches in Hukkapuisto



Webinar on Blue-Green Infrastructure: November 7, 2024

The first PilotGreen webinar "Regreening of gloomy suburbs" was organized in October 2023. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar on Blue-Green Infrastructure: November 7, 2024

The second PilotGreen webinar "Blue-Green infrastructure for future cities in light of climate change" was organized in November 2024. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.

Study trip to Copenhagen and Malmö

A two-day study trip was organized at the beginning of June 2024, during which we got to know several blue-green solutions in Copenhagen and Malmö during guided city tours. In addition, part of the project staff participated in the Urban Future event organized in Rotterdam.

Group photo from Copenhagen
PilotGreen team in Sankt Kjelds Plads in Copenhagen. Photo: Malinen-Lallukka


The project's first needs assessment workshop was organized in Lahti in May 2023. Workshops in Helsinki were organized in September and October, 2023.

Needs assessment workshop in Lahti. Photo: Koiranen.

The project launch event and future workshop was organized at Helsinki City Hall's Event Square in May 2023. 

The project's internal kick-off event was organized at the Lahti Campus in February 2023.

Blog posts and other publications (in English)

Inspiration from nature-based solutions on study visits for developing new green infrastructure

An innovative approach for solving real-life challenges

Enhancing Green Transition in a Gloomy Urban Environment – Example from a Suburban Area

Flood risks lead to creative ideas for dealing with excess stormwater



Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Maria Jäppinen
RDI specialist
maria [dot] jappinenatlab [dot] fi
Project partners