Business culture agents

The Business Culture Agents project creates a language and cultural mediation service for the internationalizing SMEs in the Päijät-Häme region, utilizing the expertise of LAB international degree students. In language and cultural mediation, students assist SMEs in starting or expanding their international business, especially in situations requiring language skills and intercultural communication. The project promotes intercultural encounters, the internationalization and growth of SME companies and responds to a shortage of skilled employees.

The Business Culture Agents service becomes a permanent part of the LAB business services. In the long term, the exploitation of the service model will help SME companies in the region to internationalize their business activities.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

Tekoja Viivan alle 2020: 

Lahti Science Week 2020: 

International Talent Day 2020: 

Lahti Venture Program 2020:

Working Life Cooperation 2020: 

DuuniExpo 2020: 

International students

11.11.2020 Vahvemmasta paikallisten yritysten ja kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden yhteistyöverkostosta haetaan strategista etua alueen yrityksille
6.11.2020 Educational institutions are reducing the gap between studies and working life
21.10.2020 Studiossa Osaamisvaliokunta - teemana: KV-osaajat
12.9.2019 Ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat kieli-, kulttuuri- ja liiketoimintaosaamisen voimavarana
4.9.2020 Innovaatioagentit opiskelijayrittäjyyden asialla
15.11.2019 The Finnish labour market: internationalisation and future challenges. The role of local universities of applied sciences in improving foreign students’ employability in small and medium-sized companies of Päijät-Häme and Kanta-Häme

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers