The Food Pilot Plant's staff has extensive expertise in processing and R&D of food products, especially cereal products and beverages. Our experts are happy to take on all kinds of food-related challenges!
Soila Saavala
Laboratory coordinator Soila has a master's degree in bio and food engineering, with experience in product development and quality control tasks in the food industry. Soila has expertise in the production of liquid products, ranging from soft drinks to oat drinks and dessert sauces. The oat drink line is Soila’s responsibility.
soila [dot] saavalalab [dot] fi
050 598 1084
Jarkko Nikulin
Product manager Jarkko has a master's degree in bioprocess technology and has built a research career in beer at VTT's brewing laboratory. Jarkko has strong skills in areas such as domestic wild yeasts, beer fermentations, and non-alcoholic beers. Jarkko is responsible for development projects for distillates, as well as beers and soft drinks.
jarkko [dot] nikulinlab [dot] fi
050 598 7570
Saara Sammalisto
Researcher Saara received her doctoral degree in food sciences in 2024. Specializing in grain technology, Saara investigated 100% oat baking, hydrocolloids, and the optimization of the oat milling process in her doctoral thesis. Oats are Saara's core competence, but she is also familiar with other grains. Saara is responsible for the R&D projects of bakery products and textural analyses.
saara [dot] sammalistolab [dot] fi
050 520 4910
Pasi Raja
RDI specialist Pasi has a couple of decades of work experience in the food industry. In addition to solid work experience, Pasi holds degrees as a food technician, master of food sciences, and master brewer. Pasi's expertise is particularly focused on knowledge of food processes and product development.
pasi [dot] rajalab [dot] fi
050 560 5003