Three reasons to choose LAB University of Applied Sciences

LABin kampustila Lappeenrannassa.
Choosing where to apply for a study place is a big decision, especially if it means moving to a foreign country. What aspects are important to consider when making the decision?

First, you can look into the country and its higher education system. What are they like? What have other international students said about the country and have they been satisfied with their studies? Where can students find work after graduating? How can the studies enable employment opportunities? How are the studies executed?

We chatted with Malahat Ghoreishi, a Senior Lecturer and R&D Specialist at LAB University of Applied Sciences, and she gave her insights on why to choose LAB and Finland as a place to study for a bachelor’s degree.

1. Learning opportunities and facilities are excellent

When talking about LAB, Ghoreishi mentions the students’ freedom to learn, the facilities and all the help the school offers its students.

“The best thing about LAB is the freedom to improve yourself, upgrade your skills, and grow into the expert you wish to be. LAB’s facilities, the selection of studies, and teaching staff enable and support your learning process throughout your studies. Everybody is counted and supported, and I think it’s admirable.”

Ghoreishi believes the support to grow and learn is the most important thing a university of applied sciences can offer its students. At LAB, students get help and guidance from their teachers, tutor teachers, tutor students, and career services. The staff can consult the students to select study courses, and guide and listen if a student struggles with their studies. 

She considers LAB’s campuses in Lappeenranta and Lahti to be updated and modern. The students can use campus facilities almost anytime they need.

“The campuses are available for students and the facility system is well-organized. You can, for example, use campus computers to study independently”, explains Ghoreishi. She also mentions that LAB’s campus in Lappeenranta stands between Finland’s biggest lake Saimaa and a forest. “It creates a very unique atmosphere for the campus area.”

2. Studies and working life go hand in hand

LAB works closely with working life, and Ghoreishi thinks it shows in many aspects of the studies. One example is the teaching staff.

“Many teachers and lecturers come from a research background, but also from the company side. They have a practical point of view on what companies value in future experts and what skills help the students with employment. That is helpful for the students' future careers.”

At LAB, students visit various companies, work on projects with or for companies, and hear guest lectures from business professionals. By working closely with working life, students get to interact and grow their professional network during their studies, hear about job opportunities, and make themselves familiar with future employers. 

“LAB’s way of doing things is not just making students sit and listen, it has a practical and mutually beneficial way of integrating students into working life during studies. That is very valuable in my opinion”, Ghoreishi elaborates her thoughts about LAB’s way of executing studies.

LAB's Senior Lecturer Malahat Ghoreishi sitting in a computer classroom
LAB's Senior Lecturer and R&D Specialist Malahat Ghoreishi

3. Sustainability and circular economy create competitive advantage

Climate change is affecting the whole world. That is why green transition and sustainable solutions employ experts in the present and especially in the future. The knowledge and understanding of sustainability are increasingly important in every field, not only in technology or engineering. 

“Climate change is happening, and everybody has a role in it. For example, the European Union has sustainability-related development goals and we as a university of applied sciences have a responsibility to align our strategy to make an impact and raise awareness on this issue”, explains Ghoreishi on the importance of sustainability and circular economy.

Ghoreishi teaches LAB’s students in sustainable solutions engineering. Since LAB University of Applied Sciences has sustainability and circular economy in its strategy, the studies are available for all LAB’s students, not only those studying it as their degree programme. 

“Our students can choose, for example, sustainability-related courses regardless of their degree programme. That is a unique opportunity for students to upgrade their knowledge.”

This creates a competitive advantage for LAB’s students after graduating. They can ensure their knowledge of a crucial theme of our future.

Ghoreishi points out that Finland is one of the main pioneers in sustainability and circular economy. She thinks LAB’s focus on these matters is valuable. “It is important, that we at LAB can ensure the world has more educated people in sustainable solutions and circular economy.”

Bachelor's degrees

Studies at the universities of applied sciences are practice-oriented alternatives to traditional university education in Finland. Studies at LAB University of Applied Sciences give the students an excellent combination of hands-on skills and a strong theoretical knowledge base.

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