Yhdessä VakaDigiin!
Together with VakaDigi! - project implements training for early childhood education staff in the use of digital pedagogy in early childhood education work. The project produces easily accessible, micro-learning learning material to support early childhood education work. (Board of Education in Finland: New literacy skills descriptions.)
Together with VakaDigi! - project's goal is to promote the development, introduction and experimentation culture of digital pedagogy. The project's target group is the development of the digital competence of the entire early childhood education staff, which supports the work of digital tutors.
There are large differences in the level of digital competence of early childhood education personnel, and therefore children are in an unequal position when it comes to learning digital skills. The general need for digital skills training for adults can be seen in e.g. In the PIACC 2019 results (https://bit.ly/3ss44N7). The digital skills report (Digital and Population Information Agency 2022) encourages the development of digital courage as a working life skill.
Together with VakaDigi! - project's goal is to promote the development, introduction and experimentation culture of digital pedagogy. The project's target group is the development of the digital competence of the entire early childhood education staff, which supports the work of digital tutors.
There are large differences in the level of digital competence of early childhood education personnel, and therefore children are in an unequal position when it comes to learning digital skills. The general need for digital skills training for adults can be seen in e.g. In the PIACC 2019 results (https://bit.ly/3ss44N7). The digital skills report (Digital and Population Information Agency 2022) encourages the development of digital courage as a working life skill.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Finnish National Agency for Education
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LAB role
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being