VPKE - Vastuullisen palvelu- ja tuotekehityksen ennakointi
The aim of VPKE - Anticipating responsible service and product development -project is to develop the environmentally responsible product and service development of companies in Southern Karelia, so that companies can anticipate the demand for product and service solutions’ environmental responsibility that is a rising customer demand. Customers expect companies to support their own changing purchasing behavior and to provide products and services based on their sustainability values. At the same time, a similar development of pressure on environmental responsibility requirements can also be seen in b2b. This project complements the Responsible Service and Product Development VPK – project by LAB University of Applied Sciences in Päijät-Häme.
The needs of companies to increase customer-driven and environmentally responsible product and service development expertise will be studied. Together with the local entrepreneurial actors a small peer learning group of small companies will be assembled around the topic, and the group will co-develop a MOOC-based training to map the starting point for a company to advance in environmentally responsible and customer-driven development. Identifying one's own development needs is important for gaining productive results.
Finally, a seminar will be organized to share the experiences of the companies in the peer learning group and the practical lessons learned during the project. The relatable examples encourage other companies to develop their own activities. The lessons learned during the project will be compiled into a publication that will also be available to other projects and development work in the future.
The needs of companies to increase customer-driven and environmentally responsible product and service development expertise will be studied. Together with the local entrepreneurial actors a small peer learning group of small companies will be assembled around the topic, and the group will co-develop a MOOC-based training to map the starting point for a company to advance in environmentally responsible and customer-driven development. Identifying one's own development needs is important for gaining productive results.
Finally, a seminar will be organized to share the experiences of the companies in the peer learning group and the practical lessons learned during the project. The relatable examples encourage other companies to develop their own activities. The lessons learned during the project will be compiled into a publication that will also be available to other projects and development work in the future.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate

LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area