Oppia nopeilta sopeutujilta -koulutussarja

COVID-19 was devastating for many Finnish companies and organisations. Even though many businesses had to seriously diminish or end their operations altogether, some smaller companies and innovative entrepreneurs were able to remain operational or even grow their business despite the shattering effects of lockdowns and social distancing.

OPAS project uses podcasts and the LAB University of Applied Sciences funded online student and community radio (www.limuradio.live) to shed light to these unlikely success stories in order to provide others with insights and inspiration to evaluate, experiment and boost their own resilience and responsiveness to future crises.

Narrative approach is utilised to make these experiences as easy to adopt as possible.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Ari Hautaniemi
RDI specialist
ari [dot] hautaniemiatlab [dot] fi