”Vakautta varhaiskasvatukseen” - Kasvattajatiimin tunnetietoisuus lapsen hyvinvoinnin tukena

In the early childhood education there are children and educators who have experienced traumatic or otherwise negative events which may have a a long-lasting effect to development. It is important to recognize the situations of this kind, to be able to support the child in coping with emotions and emotional wounds when his own coping mechanisms are not enough. In order to learn to regulate his own operation, the child needs co-regulation from the adult, calming down, and ability to identify bodily changes. The educators who work with children may also have traces of emotional wounds, in which case, it can be difficult to face the children's emotional wounds with empathy. The identification of one´s own emotional wounds is important to maintain professional practices. The educator needs sympathetic support in this. The busiest development needs of the early childhood education are the developing of the professional practices in work, and the adopting of the methods which support the work. The strengthening of the communal working culture is supported by the common education of the whole team.

Vakautta varhaiskasvatukseen -project aims to develop the working culture of the early childhood education in Päijät-Häme, in South Karelia and South Savo. At the same time the aim is to increase the workers' competence in emotional education and the trauma consciousness. With the help of team training educators are able to bring in use methods based in arts and body consciousness, to support the emotional skills in the early childhood education.

Project period
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Project area
Project funding
Finnish National Agency for Education
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers