UOMA -Renewing the Expertise of Design and Visual Communication Professionals

Various studies and previous projects point to the fact that the competences of designers and visual communication professionals need updating and supplementing. During the planning phase of this project an extensive survey to further education in design field was conducted and five themes in need of further development were recognized: IoT (Internet of Things), UX (user experience design), GUI (graphical user interface), VR (virtual reality) and AI (artificial intelligence).

The objective of UOMA project is to design and pilot various agile and multidisciplinary education models as well as new educational content on those five themes so that the skills and competences of designers and visual communication professionals correspond to the requirements of fast changing working life. The developed methods, experiments and models are documented in such a manner, which enables their use in other fields also.

The central activities of the project are therefore planning, piloting, evaluation and modelling of agile and user-driven studies with IoT, UX, GUI, VR and AI content. And as a result there will be new continuing education models and novel technology study contents as well as materials on the lessons learned from the experiments and how to do anticipation regarding future competences and training needed.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Institute of Design and Fine Arts
Project focus area
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Annariina Ruokamo
RDI specialist
annariina [dot] ruokamoatlab [dot] fi