Ruokamaakunta Nyt! - 11 000 vuotta eteläkarjalaista gastronomiaa jatkuvassa kattauksessa

historical information from the province's food traditions from the Stone Age to the present day. The setting of the goal is related to the pending application for the title of European Region of Gastronomy (ERG) in 2024, in which South Karelia is involved together with South Savo and North Karelia. South Karelia still has a lot of development needs in the supply and presentation of its distinctive food culture, so that the province can be at the level of the goals of the ERG title. The tourism, event and restaurant industries, which were mistreated by the Covid 19 pandemic, also need new competitive factors in South Karelia, as well as up-to-date know-how and new ways of coping with the crisis. A sustainably produced, high-quality and distinctive food supply is one important way to differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract new customer groups to the province.
A new extensive history of South Karelia was published in two parts 2018-2019 and its contents deserve a wider
audience. The books also contain a lot of information about the food history of the area and related stories that can be used to enliven the food supply of the companies in the province. In addition, the old food traditions have features that can be used to promote sustainable food production and support the province’s low-carbon goals.
As a result of the development work, new product ideas are created, as well as events in which new information about food history is applied in a modern and sustainable way. The results of the development work are documented and will be available to companies on their own product development on digital platforms after the project. The participating companies become active in highlighting the local and regional food tradition in their own products and develop new competitive service and event products for the market.
The implementation of the project is divided in parts: starting a hub or joint workplace for local food companies and development organizations, examine South Karelia's food history from the Stone age to the present day, innovate new food products, share food information on digital platforms and organize food events. The project is being implemented by the Humak University of Applied Sciences, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta Museums and Cultural Centre Nuijamies.