The gender segregation in education and in working life is stronger in Finland than the European average.
The main goal of this project is to change the working patterns of professionals who work to support young people in educational and career choices. The aim is also to provide tools for the professional to identify and mitigate gender segregation as part of their work and working environment. Main target groups of the project are professionals working in education and counceling; teachers, student counselors, youth workers and hobby counselors. Experiential learning is used as an educational method in the project to support the learning and development of adults and young people. The project is implemented by LAB University of Applied Sciences and Outward Bound Finland.
As a result of the project:
1) a coaching program for education and guidance professionals working with young people is developed. Through the coaching program, participants become more aware of the external and internal factors that influence gender segregation and have a variety of methods available to mitigate it in their own work.
2) organizations have performed two developmental tasks from the perspective of gender segregation. As a result of these interventions, young people are aware of the impact of gender segregation and gender stereotypes in selection processes and supported in making choices outside these influences.
3) at least 20 different tools and / or policies to reduce gender segregation have been piloted and described and
disseminated to youth education and guidance professionals and networks in the field.
Results of the Roleplay project (1.3.2020-28.2.2022):
With experiential pedagogy as a gender-aware counsellor -training programme for education and guidance professionals working with young people, was piloted twice during the project. The structure and materials of the training programme were described and available to everyone in the final publication of the project (in Finnish): In addition, the workshop series Experiential pedagogy for Unique Career Choices -workshop, which is a shorter training on gender segregation through experiential pedagogy and learning, was piloted and modelled.
During the project, more than 20 tools, exercises, methods or operating models for desegregation were developed and piloted. Instructions and materials for the tools have been collected to the final publication of the project. Workshops and workshop series were organized for the representatives of the target group to support use of the tools. Information on the tools and segregation was disseminated nationwide to educators, teachers and counsellors working with young people and networks in the social media, newsletters, journals, magazines and through associations/organisations and at various events.
Through both the development tasks carried out by the project participants and the implementations organized by the project, the project strengthened the understanding of more than 400 young people about the impact of gender segregation on career choices and supported them to make unique, gender-aware choices.
Publications of the project in English:
The Roleplay project – experiential pedagogy for promoting gender equality in education and career choices. LAB Health Annual Review 2020:
Experiential tools for enhancing the impact of gender segregation training. LAB Health Annual Review 2021:
Information about the project and its results, as well as method examples, in English:
PowerPoint Gender segregation in education and working life:
The main goal of this project is to change the working patterns of professionals who work to support young people in educational and career choices. The aim is also to provide tools for the professional to identify and mitigate gender segregation as part of their work and working environment. Main target groups of the project are professionals working in education and counceling; teachers, student counselors, youth workers and hobby counselors. Experiential learning is used as an educational method in the project to support the learning and development of adults and young people. The project is implemented by LAB University of Applied Sciences and Outward Bound Finland.
As a result of the project:
1) a coaching program for education and guidance professionals working with young people is developed. Through the coaching program, participants become more aware of the external and internal factors that influence gender segregation and have a variety of methods available to mitigate it in their own work.
2) organizations have performed two developmental tasks from the perspective of gender segregation. As a result of these interventions, young people are aware of the impact of gender segregation and gender stereotypes in selection processes and supported in making choices outside these influences.
3) at least 20 different tools and / or policies to reduce gender segregation have been piloted and described and
disseminated to youth education and guidance professionals and networks in the field.
Results of the Roleplay project (1.3.2020-28.2.2022):
With experiential pedagogy as a gender-aware counsellor -training programme for education and guidance professionals working with young people, was piloted twice during the project. The structure and materials of the training programme were described and available to everyone in the final publication of the project (in Finnish): In addition, the workshop series Experiential pedagogy for Unique Career Choices -workshop, which is a shorter training on gender segregation through experiential pedagogy and learning, was piloted and modelled.
During the project, more than 20 tools, exercises, methods or operating models for desegregation were developed and piloted. Instructions and materials for the tools have been collected to the final publication of the project. Workshops and workshop series were organized for the representatives of the target group to support use of the tools. Information on the tools and segregation was disseminated nationwide to educators, teachers and counsellors working with young people and networks in the social media, newsletters, journals, magazines and through associations/organisations and at various events.
Through both the development tasks carried out by the project participants and the implementations organized by the project, the project strengthened the understanding of more than 400 young people about the impact of gender segregation on career choices and supported them to make unique, gender-aware choices.
Publications of the project in English:
The Roleplay project – experiential pedagogy for promoting gender equality in education and career choices. LAB Health Annual Review 2020:
Experiential tools for enhancing the impact of gender segregation training. LAB Health Annual Review 2021:
Information about the project and its results, as well as method examples, in English:
PowerPoint Gender segregation in education and working life:
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate

LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being