Probe - Foresight in South Karelia

Different abilities and skills are critical for success in the modern business environment. Furthermore, required competencies are constantly developing and changing. In South Karelia, anticipating future needs for new skills and abilities is currently somewhat fragmented. Foresight is mainly done internally in different organizations, and these organizations might lack knowledge and interaction to benefit most from everyone's contribution to common goals.

The main goal of the project is the development of regional foresight and increasing cooperation between the various actors in the region. At the individual level, this happens through competence development. At the level of organizations, the goals are met through the development of education and R&D activities. At the regional level, the goal is to increase vitality through shared visions of the future and the development of committed competence.

Implementation of the project is divided into three work packages. In the first work package ("information"), a network of actors is put together, and the current situation and resources of foresight activities are mapped. In addition, information on forecasting models will be collected, operating methods will be benchmarked nationally and internationally, and experimental development will be initiated.

The main content of the second work package ("interpretation") is to create an interaction model of a network of actors based on data collection and mapping, which describes the collection, sharing, and interaction of forecasting information. This model also requires internal development in the participating organizations so that the activities decided are genuinely connected to everyday life and thus become possible. The actual implementation of the model also requires the strengthening of foresight skills within organizations.

In the third work package ("activity"), a forecasting service package is developed. Through these services, the network of actors can spread the forecasting information to a broader group of users, e.g. companies and municipalities.

To summarize, the concrete results of the project create an entity that can be divided into two parts. The first part is (1) an operational model, which (a) describes the actor-network of South Karelia's foresight activities and (b) the interaction concept of this network, with which foresight information is produced, shared, utilized, and where foresight expertise is maintained. The second part is (2) a service package, through which predictive knowledge and know-how reach wider target groups.

As a long-term effect, South Karelia will remain vibrant and educational organizations will produce skilled labor for regional needs. The key players in the region make strategic choices and decisions that create the future according to a shared vision of the future. Resources are better allocated, there is no overlapping or overlapping development work, and better quality is achieved together.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers