Phoenix - Renew Sustainably

Recilience in business
Feeniks - Renew Sustainably - project’s aim is to support companies’ work wellbeing and to create better conditions for organizations to revitalize and renew their business with ecologically sustainable way.

In the project, the resilience of companies is strengthened, and the mental regeneration is supported after the state of emergency of spring 2020.

To reach the targets of the project, the increased knowledge of digitalization, sustainable development, change flexibility as well as ability to renew is required in the organizations. The aim is also to increase the knowledge of local actors and intermediators about the themes of the project so that sustainable thinking has better opportunities to standardize itself as a practicality and this way contribute to area’s development and vitality.

The value of the project is to integrate ecologically sustainable development as part of work wellbeing and productivity instead of sectoral development.

The project is implemented in the provinces of Päijät-Häme and South-Karelia. The target groups of the project are micro and SME companies, especially from travel-, restaurant-, and culture industries.

In the implementation, the practicalities that construct the communality as well as social constructivism based active and creative learning in small groups is emphasized. Eventually, the pandemic will be overcome – from the ash and chaos, something new and more vital can arise.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Human well-being
Takes place in project

The project has ended 28th February 2022

Many thanks to all the active entrepreneurs and others who have taken part in the Feenix - Renew sustainably journey. It has been a privilege to support You in your development activities!

Let's keep renewing!


Entrepreneur - Are You working through change?

What kind of situations others have faced and how have they succeeded? Our video:

"Feenix - Renew Sustainably (ESR): The Resilience, Digital Solutions and Sustainable Development of Small Entrepreneurs" gives You some new viewpoints.


Entrepreneur, area developer, student or just someone interested in utilizing sustainable development

Join our student team 27th April at 14-16 for "Economy Is Ecology" -online event, where You can learn more about making use of sustainable development and exchange thoughts with other like minded people. For more info!


Blog posts and articles on Feeniks

On a journey towards a more resilient SME

In the Sustainable development for an SME – how to get going? -blog post we highlight some games that can help make sustainability issues more familiar for SMEs

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Annukka Heinonen
RDI specialist
annukka [dot] heinonenatlab [dot] fi