Päijät-Hämeen turvallisuuskasvatus malli -hanke/turvataitokasvatusmalli
This project is created for professionals in basic education, upper secondary and vocational school in regional council of Päijät-Häme. The goal is to prevent sexual violence among children and young people by 1) strengthening the knowledge base of professionals on safety skills education 2) improving their capability to update safety plans and implementing them to practice and 3) strengthening methodological know-how in the prevention of sexual violence. During the project, material for safety skills education will be produced, safety plans for educational institutions will be updated and safety skills training will be arranged for the professionals. The project is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Implementers of the project: LAB University of Applied Sciences, City of Lahti and The Family Federation of Finland
Implementers of the project: LAB University of Applied Sciences, City of Lahti and The Family Federation of Finland
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Finnish National Agency for Education
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being