Päijät-Hämeen Mobile UX pilotti – apua yrityksille asiakaskokemuksen ytimeen

Päijät-Häme Mobile UX pilot – help for companies to better customer experience -project is implementing a pilot that will test the functionality of a moving testing platform. The focus of the testing platform is mobile applications.

The target group is SMEs of Päijät-Häme that use mobile application in their business in addition to physical premises. The mobile application can be for example an online shop. Päijät-Häme Mobile UX pilot offers a service where companies can test their applications. Companies will receive a summary of the user tests and how well the application functions. They will also get a few tips on how to improve the user experience.

The testing platform is also mobile which enables the test group to move to the company’s premises. This way the test broadens from the digital world to the physical world and the test group can evaluate the compatibility of these two worlds. Observation can bring up ideas about how physical and digital environments can support each other and creates a better experience.

Companies can invite the test group to their premises, or the test group can be at events where event visitors can bring their mobile application for the test. Project will also provide a test lab to Mukkulankatu campus where tests can be held.

The main goal is to improve the competitiveness of companies in Päijät-Häme area. The project will help companies to gain more ability to serve different customer segments and develop customer experience and -loyalty and with these skills, they will be able to attract more customers. The positive experience will make companies differentiate from their competitors.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Jenni Hautamäki
jenni [dot] hautamakiatlab [dot] fi