NEAR - NEw sociAl seRvices: innovative tools and skills for person-centred and community-based social models

NEAR image
The NEAR project will be implemented in 2023-2026. The project has been funded by the Interreg Europe programme. LAB is involved as a partner and the main implementer of the project is the Regional Government of Navarre from Spain. The project operates on two levels: at the regional level in Päijät-Häme and at the international level with the partner regions. In addition to LAB, partners from the Czech Republic, Belgium and Italy, as well as the Wellbeing services county of Päijät-Häme, are participating in the project.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Interreg Europe 2021-2027
LAB role
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Takes place in project

NEAR poster

Project Near video



Makkula, S. 2024. Empatia työkaluna ja empatiatyökalut. LAB Focus. Available 

Jokinen, O. & Rautava, E. 2024. Professional skills for the new social services. UAS journal. Available 

Jokinen, O. 2024. Belgiasta välineitä ja uusia ideoita yksilölähtöiseen ja yhteisölliseen työhön. LAB Focus. Available

Nöjd, T. & Rautava, E. 2024. Towards person-centered and community-based social services in the Päijät-Häme region. LAB RDI Journal. Available

Jokinen, O. & Rautava, E. 2024. New social services – Lahdesta Eurooppaan hyviä käytäntöjä ja yhteistyömalleja. LAB Focus. Available 

Rautava, E. 2024. ”Miten kuunnella niin, että muut haluavat puhua ja miten puhua niin, että muut haluavat kuunnella?” – Dialogisuuden mahdollisuudet sosiaalityössä. Sosiaalityötä Päijät-Hämeessä -blogi. Available 

Jokinen, O. & Rautava, E. 2024. Dialogi on menetelmä, dialogisuus on suhtautumistapa. LAB Focus. Available  

Jokinen, O. 2023. Lähiyhteisöt mukaan sosiaaliseen ja osallisuutta edistävään työhön. LAB Focus. Available  

Jokinen, O. 2023. Case Pamplona: uusia lähestymistapoja sosiaalipalveluihin. LAB Focus.


Latest events and news

All the news can be found here: 

NEAR aims to support regions to develop or improve person-centered community-based social models that intervene both with the person (seeking the maximum development of their capacities) and in their relational environments (seeking to maximise the primary support that the person receives). The adoption of these models implies a change in professional praxis, from a role of expert to a role of accompaniment, provision of support, guidance, and motivation. NEAR will identify approaches and methodologies for professional action that facilitate this change and will transfer good practices in training social service professionals for the new praxis.

An innovative project approach with a strong focus on in-depth learning will be organized around 5 learning events dedicated to the different challenges faced by the model change, bringing real cases from 4 different regions of Spain, the Czech Republic, Finland, Belgium, and the national experience of Italy. Study visits and peer-review workshops organized back-to-back to the learning events and staff exchanges will complete the learning route.
NEAR will deliver 20 Good Practices on tools, skills and trainings, 4 Regional Diagnosis and the NEAR project guide “Towards person-centered community-based social models in Europe”.

As a result of the project's activities and international cooperation, good practices and tools related to the development of social services will be learned. In this way, the content and implementation of the regional inclusion programme will be affected. Organisations and employees providing social services receive new tools and competences for customer engagement and agency through new knowledge.
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Outi Jokinen
RDI specialist
outi [dot] jokinenatlab [dot] fi
Project partners