Minimize Compact high-power-density drive solution based on MSM

If the wheel was the best invention

to generate motion

nature might use it

-but nature selected muscle

In engineering

the muscle is MSM

In the project, a focus is placed on the exploration of potential applications for Magnetic Shape Memory (MSM) alloy based actuators within various industry sectors. During the project, potential market opportunities are being identified, with an emphasis on aligning with the existing trends and demands in the evolving industry.

This project seeks to align with the current market dynamics and anticipate emerging opportunities where new benchmarks of excellence can be established, laying a solid foundation for a significant presence of MSM concept in the evolving industry landscape.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
LAB role
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Alexander Matrosov
Project manager
alexander [dot] matrosovatlab [dot] fi