LOSSI – Yrityslähtöistä osaamisen kehittämistä teollisuuden pientyöpaikoilla

LOSSI project promotes anticipatory competence development of small industrial businesses of low educational levels in the Päijät-Häme region. LOSSI develops an agile operating model of anticipatory competence development for the use of small businesses. In addition, the project develops a regional, agile, business needs-based operating model of life-long learning that supports renewal and sustainable development.

The project aims to:

• increase the competences of the managers, supervisors and staff of the small enterprises participating in the project,

• develop an agile approach in the participating small enterprises to develop staff competences and enable continuous learning,

• promote the skills development of participating small enterprises in a planned, proactive and strategic way,

• model an agile, proactive approach to skills development suitable for small enterprises, and

• develop an agile regional continuous learning approach to support the needs, innovation and sustainable development of small (manufacturing) enterprises, in cooperation with the small enterprises involved in the project and regional stakeholders.

These objectives will be achieved through a series of mapping exercises, workshops and training sessions for enterprises. A workshop process will be launched with stakeholders to build a regional approach to continuous learning.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

Overview of the progress of LOSSI project (2023-2024)

In autumn 2023, we mapped the competence needs of seven participant companies through a competence survey and management interviews. We sparred the competence foresight and management thinking with the companies in foresight workshops. During the foresight workshop process, the companies have created a vision for year 2030 and a path to achieve this vision. 

In spring 2024, companies' competence needs have been addressed by organising and procuring training courses to develop the skills and competence of their staff.  Joint Excel, management, sales, and lean thinking training courses were organized by the LOSSI project for companies alongside other procured training courses. 

The competence development and management process continued in the spring of 2024 by mutual company visits, where company representatives had the opportunity to learn about each other's competence management practices. Each company has also compiled its competence management portfolio as part of the LOSSI project. 

During autumn 2023 and spring 2024, representatives of companies, educational institutions, employment services providers, and other partners in the Päijät-Häme region met in the LOSSI forum working group meetings. The forum group discussed the current state of competence in the region, the cooperation opportunities between actors in the region, and about the regional approach to meeting the competence needs of regional enterprises. 

What's ahead for LOSSI in autumn 2024

Some of the training acquisitions will still take place in LOSSI companies in autumn 2024. The process of competence development will continue with companies through follow-up competence surveys and sparring visits to develop company-specific competence management and development plans.
The LOSSI forum working group will meet in autumn 2024 to continue the development of a continuous learning approach, which enables companies to more easily access skilled labour and find solutions to the training needs of existing labour force in Päijät-Häme.

Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Jaana Lerssi-Uskelin
RDI specialist
jaana [dot] lerssi-uskelinatlab [dot] fi