OSKE LAB-hanke
OSKE LAB strengthens the viability and competence recurrence of the region by supporting the employment of highly educated immigrants. Project services are beneficial for highly educated immigrants, current students with an immigrant background, and those interested in higher education.

OSKE LAB works in collaboration with the ongoing OSKE projects by the City of Lahti and the Salpaus Training Centre.


1. support based on the target group needs, including individual consultancy, group workshops, informational events, advice in networking;

2. support with employment, including establishing low-threshold meetings for employers and employees, mentoring programmes, and training sessions.

To achieve the settled objectives, OSKE LAB takes advantage of digital approaches and tries to come up with new solutions to collaborate with other actors of the region.

The targeted number of participants is 240 immigrants with higher education.


The project aims at raising the employment rate of the target group, which is important for the Päijät-Häme region. Statistics prove that the employment rate of immigrants in Päijät-Häme is lower compared to other regions of the country, while the region lacks the workforce.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
The Ministry of Education and Culture
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Takes place in project

OSKE LAB project provides services for highly educated immigrants to guide them to suitable study and career paths.

Reach us on Zoom. We speak English, Finnish, or Russian.

Follow the link 

Our schedule in May 2022:

Tue 11 am – 1 pm
Wed 2 pm – 4 pm

FInd us on Instagram: @oske_lab


Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers