KETTERÄ - Työhyvinvoinnin, osaamisen ja työurien muutoskyvykkyyttä mikro- ja pk-yrityksille
Development of well-being at work, expertise and careers requires regular follow-up and anticipation of needs of wellbeing at work, expertise and careers. Change of working life and past years’ crises have demanded resilience of enterprises. Before and also during the change, it is important to stop reflecting and evaluating regularly, what kind of tools enterprises have for following and promoting well-being at work, expertise and careers, how these tools match the enterprises’ needs of well-being at work, expertise and careers and what kind of information these tools give for supporting management of well-being at work, expertise and careers – also in the change. Development of well-being at work, expertise and careers also demands collaboration. For example South-Karelia's small and medium-sized enterprises should be guided to find places and different possibilities of collaboration with LAB University of Applied Sciences.
This project’s target group is small and medium-sized enterprises of South-Karelia. The aim of project is to analyze target group’s tools of well-being at work, expertise and career management and anticipate needs of tools in the future so that enterprises use the best tools for developing well-being at work, expertise and careers in the future and for managing knowledge-based. It will also be searched collaboration possibilities with LAB University of Applied Sciences during the project. By using start questionnaires or possibly by organizing start workshops, it will be defined needs of well-being at work, expertise and career development. These needs will be presented in form of Youtube video. By organizing peer support workshops, the enterprises evaluate and anticipate tools which match needs of well-being at work, expertise and careers, and the enterprises set goals for developing well-being at work, expertise and careers. Results and experiences of the workshops will be presented in the webinar. If the enterprises are willing, they can learn micro courses for developing their expertise.
The project responds to South-Karelia's strategy which highlights employment, expertise and wellbeing. By supporting and promoting well-being at work and expertise, it is possible to retain and increase employment rate. In turn, South-Karelia's survival plan has goals, like recovering from COVID-19-pandemic and supporting business’ prerequisites by ensuring competent employment. This project also replies to REACT EU –program's need to support enterprises’ resilience because past years’ crises have pointed to react agilely in the change of operational environment. The project has been planed by utilising diverse expertise of wellbeing and business of LAB University of Applied Sciences. The enterprises of South-Karelia have also been listened. This project promotes wellbeing and (gender) equality of the target group. The project consideres gender equality (for example all genders participate in workshops) and sustainable development (for example using electronic questionnaires).
This project’s target group is small and medium-sized enterprises of South-Karelia. The aim of project is to analyze target group’s tools of well-being at work, expertise and career management and anticipate needs of tools in the future so that enterprises use the best tools for developing well-being at work, expertise and careers in the future and for managing knowledge-based. It will also be searched collaboration possibilities with LAB University of Applied Sciences during the project. By using start questionnaires or possibly by organizing start workshops, it will be defined needs of well-being at work, expertise and career development. These needs will be presented in form of Youtube video. By organizing peer support workshops, the enterprises evaluate and anticipate tools which match needs of well-being at work, expertise and careers, and the enterprises set goals for developing well-being at work, expertise and careers. Results and experiences of the workshops will be presented in the webinar. If the enterprises are willing, they can learn micro courses for developing their expertise.
The project responds to South-Karelia's strategy which highlights employment, expertise and wellbeing. By supporting and promoting well-being at work and expertise, it is possible to retain and increase employment rate. In turn, South-Karelia's survival plan has goals, like recovering from COVID-19-pandemic and supporting business’ prerequisites by ensuring competent employment. This project also replies to REACT EU –program's need to support enterprises’ resilience because past years’ crises have pointed to react agilely in the change of operational environment. The project has been planed by utilising diverse expertise of wellbeing and business of LAB University of Applied Sciences. The enterprises of South-Karelia have also been listened. This project promotes wellbeing and (gender) equality of the target group. The project consideres gender equality (for example all genders participate in workshops) and sustainable development (for example using electronic questionnaires).
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate

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LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being