HELP - Healthcare Logistics Education and Learning Pathway

HELP project develops education and learning pathway from vocational to doctoral studies in healthcare and start the development of networks of healthcare logisticians. As a long term objective the project aims to create national and international networks of healthcare logisticians and healthcare logistics education institutions.

The project answers to the needs of healthcare organizations by deepening knowledge of healthcare logistics concept and operating model, increasing competencies in healthcare logistics and developing healthcare logistics study modules from vocational education to doctoral education.

Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Erasmus 2014-2020
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

Marin syöttämää testisisältöä. Marin syöttämää testisisältöä.
Marin syöttämää testisisältöä. Marin syöttämää testisisältöä.
Marin syöttämää testisisältöä. Marin syöttämää testisisältöä.

The HELP project serves not only students' personal and education institutions' goals, but also the needs of healthcare organisations. It aims to increase the expertise of students, provide new perspectives on the development of healthcare logistics operations and support HOs to implement and develop of the healthcare logistics operations in different HOs. The essential idea behind the project is to educate logistics experts to demanding HOs and give the logistics tasks to healthcare logisticians who are educated for the purpose, but who also understand the special characteristics of the demanding healthcare environment.

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the European Commission agenda for the modernisation of Europe's higher education system. The project aims to develop Healthcare Logistics Education and Learning Pathway from vocational education to doctoral studies so that a student can specialize to the healthcare logistics in all study levels. The target is to develop new study modules and materials and pilot them in international cooperation.

Realisation of goals
Lorem ipsum
HELP project will have impact on healthcare logistics education and learning development. The concrete steps are delivered in 5 different workpackages of development work and the dissemination of these results.

These are:

1) Preparatory research and guidance for pathway development

2) Vocational level education development

3) Bachelor level education development

4) Masters level education development

5) PhD level education development.

Sustainable Development Goals