ENtRANCE: Engaged Research Connecting Community with Higher Education.


ENgaged ReseArch coNnecting Community with higher Education

Five higher education institutions (HEI) from Belgium, Finland, Lithuania, Portugal and the Netherlands work together to enhance the social responsibility of HEI students and staff. The main focus in the ENtRANCE project will be on collaboration between Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and HEIs (students and staff) to tackle local societal challenges.


31.12.2017— 29.6.2020



Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Erasmus 2014-2020
LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
ENtRANCE will facilitate students, researchers and civil society organizations (CSOs) to team up to find solutions for the actual problems faced by civil society. HEIs will assist CSOs by delivering scientific research and by offering development project support. As such, societal challenges will be put on the research and cooperation agenda.
From the start on – through an impact and a needs study of CSOs, partners will establish connections with CSOs in their own regions. These cooperations will continue throughout the whole project.

Based on the results of the impact and needs studies a training framework for HEIs will be developed, and pilot CSO-HEI projects will be set up. Eventually, these applied scientific research and development projects will be described in case studies.

All work will finally be collected in a handbook which will be available for other CSOs and HEIs on the ENtRANCE project’s website.

Sustainable Development Goals