Developing knowledge of diverse recruitment
Developing knowledge of diverse recruitment
The project affects the activities and skills of the recruiting employer. It is challenging to employ a diverse workforce, i.e. the able-bodied and disabled and depending on the industry, also those of different genders. Especially in micro, small and medium-sized companies, the availability of labor challenges familiar practices, values and attitudes. The project aims to reduce the employer's costs in recruiting a diverse workforce and to change attitudes by increasing awareness of the means of diverse recruitment.
Diverse recruitment practices and supporting services are not known or utilized - or are not available. The goal is to develop the recruitment expertise of micro and SME employers and improve the capabilities of work communities in Häme. The main target group is SMEs and micro-enterprises with recruitment challenges. Indirectly, the project affects unemployed job seekers who have prolonged unemployment or the risk of prolonged unemployment due to reduced work capacity. The methods used in this project are the guidance and advice of a recruitment coach for companies, theme-specific information for companies about diverse recruitment methods, and training of work communities with an online course. Theme-specific information and training are also organized for employment agency experts. The project's goals have been divided into four work packages guided by the projects implemented in recent years, the measures developed and the results. The key lesson is to direct the activity to companies that are recruiting: management and HR managers, instead of the unemployed customers.
Work packages: 1: Supporting an accessible recruitment process, 2: Supporting the diversity of work communities, 3: Developing the skills of employment services experts, 4: Communicating successful recruitment practices
The indirect effect is cooperation between ELY, educational institutions, entrepreneurial organizations, the chamber of commerce and future employment areas. This cooperation supports different parties in the TE24 reform. The goal of LAB University of Applied Sciences is to renew working life and ways of working, to try new things and ways of doing things, together with companies. The added value that LAB brings is educational and innovative expertise in business and welfare. LAB's role is to bring customer-orientation into the work packages of the project and enable lifelong learning opportunities for participants.
The Act on Employment Areas was confirmed in 3/2023. The TE offices will cease to exist in 2024 and the public TE service will move to the employment areas in 2025. The development of diverse recruitment is essential for the situation, and there is a risk that promotion will be forgotten in the organizational reform. Future labor authorities will be trained to develop their capabilities.
Supporting the diversity of work communities is important in order to facilitate the adaptation of different employees. In discussions related to the development of working life, the need to develop the capacity of working communities for diversity is repeated. The project is implemented as a joint project with the LAB University of Applied Sciences. Askelmat project produced the Hey employer- information package for companies. A short online course will influence the knowledge of working communities about fixed-term work. LAB makes a survey of the recruitment methods used by companies. The information is used in the preparation of other measures.
Communication is strongly involved at every level. With communication, information and experiences about good recruitment practices can be shared with companies. Communication is done in cooperation with Häme region's entrepreneurial organizations, the chamber of commerce and participating educational institutions. The communication campaign shares information about successful recruitment practices and carries out other influenci
The project affects the activities and skills of the recruiting employer. It is challenging to employ a diverse workforce, i.e. the able-bodied and disabled and depending on the industry, also those of different genders. Especially in micro, small and medium-sized companies, the availability of labor challenges familiar practices, values and attitudes. The project aims to reduce the employer's costs in recruiting a diverse workforce and to change attitudes by increasing awareness of the means of diverse recruitment.
Diverse recruitment practices and supporting services are not known or utilized - or are not available. The goal is to develop the recruitment expertise of micro and SME employers and improve the capabilities of work communities in Häme. The main target group is SMEs and micro-enterprises with recruitment challenges. Indirectly, the project affects unemployed job seekers who have prolonged unemployment or the risk of prolonged unemployment due to reduced work capacity. The methods used in this project are the guidance and advice of a recruitment coach for companies, theme-specific information for companies about diverse recruitment methods, and training of work communities with an online course. Theme-specific information and training are also organized for employment agency experts. The project's goals have been divided into four work packages guided by the projects implemented in recent years, the measures developed and the results. The key lesson is to direct the activity to companies that are recruiting: management and HR managers, instead of the unemployed customers.
Work packages: 1: Supporting an accessible recruitment process, 2: Supporting the diversity of work communities, 3: Developing the skills of employment services experts, 4: Communicating successful recruitment practices
The indirect effect is cooperation between ELY, educational institutions, entrepreneurial organizations, the chamber of commerce and future employment areas. This cooperation supports different parties in the TE24 reform. The goal of LAB University of Applied Sciences is to renew working life and ways of working, to try new things and ways of doing things, together with companies. The added value that LAB brings is educational and innovative expertise in business and welfare. LAB's role is to bring customer-orientation into the work packages of the project and enable lifelong learning opportunities for participants.
The Act on Employment Areas was confirmed in 3/2023. The TE offices will cease to exist in 2024 and the public TE service will move to the employment areas in 2025. The development of diverse recruitment is essential for the situation, and there is a risk that promotion will be forgotten in the organizational reform. Future labor authorities will be trained to develop their capabilities.
Supporting the diversity of work communities is important in order to facilitate the adaptation of different employees. In discussions related to the development of working life, the need to develop the capacity of working communities for diversity is repeated. The project is implemented as a joint project with the LAB University of Applied Sciences. Askelmat project produced the Hey employer- information package for companies. A short online course will influence the knowledge of working communities about fixed-term work. LAB makes a survey of the recruitment methods used by companies. The information is used in the preparation of other measures.
Communication is strongly involved at every level. With communication, information and experiences about good recruitment practices can be shared with companies. Communication is done in cooperation with Häme region's entrepreneurial organizations, the chamber of commerce and participating educational institutions. The communication campaign shares information about successful recruitment practices and carries out other influenci
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2021-2027
LAB role
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being