Rakennetun ympäristön vihreiden dataratkaisujen tutkimustiimi

The DATAMI project will launch a new research team on systemicity, digitalisation and data management changes in the sustainable and digital built environment with its contents in cooperation with LUT University and key partnerships in the network. It is implemented according to the sustainable urban development and ecosystem agreement of the Lappeenranta-Imatra region.

To enable this research, a permanent network of companies and other actors in the field of sustainable and digital built environment will be established, and research and knowledge frontiers related to the digital green built environment will be set to boost business growth and exports. Benchmarking of proposed measures for major data researches and environments, and mirroring of data management technologies and practices to the needs of the local network. The project will build a cloud laboratory to serve as a RDI platform for data management technologies and practices. Project ideas from different parts of the digital green built environment value chain will be brainstormed with the network and processed into funding applications for suitable calls.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
EAKR 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Mauri Huttunen
Laboratory Coordinator
mauri [dot] huttunenatlab [dot] fi