ClimateGO - Pathways to Climate-Smart Governance

ClimateGo masterimage
Together towards climate-smart covernance

ClimateGO helps cities and regions create better policies for climate-smart and resilient governance. It focuses on building the skills of administrators and policymakers to design and implement effective climate policies. The project promotes understanding to encourage proactive decision-making that combines mitigation and adaptation efforts.

ClimateGO brings together seven partners from six European cities and regions committed to enhancing climate resilience in line with EU goals. The partnership includes various levels of climate governance and policy tools, facilitating sharing and learning. It also fosters regional collaboration among stakeholders.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Interreg Europe 2021-2027
LAB role
Lead partner
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

Interreg Europe brings people together to share innovative and sustainable solutions to regional development challenges.

Interreg Europe organized a joint kick-off meeting for all lead partners in Antwerp, Belgium. ClimateGO also participated in the event. 

ClimateGO started briskly

Vibrant activity has begun in the ClimateGO project. The first meeting with the project partners was already held in March, and the regional stakeholder groups have been formed and they have already started their activities in some of the partner regions. The activity of the regional stakeholder groups will be of major importance to the project. That's why the project will invest in their operation right from the beginning. Read more about the work of the stakeholder group in the Päijät-Häme region here: 

The project partners met in summery Lahti on June 11-12, 2024. During the meeting, we got to know the city of Lahti and the region of Päijät-Häme better, as well as the good practices of the region. The exchange of information and good practices and learning from others are among the most central tasks of the project. Read more about the meeting here:    

Read more about the project: 

As a result of ClimateGO, partners and their stakeholders will be better prepared to create and carry out effective climate policies and adaptation strategies.
Project activities include jointly developing policies, assessing the regional policy landscape, and identifying best practices in climate-smart governance. Regional and interregional cooperation is promoted through meetings, discussions, site visits, and online workshops. Effective climate-smart governance practices, both at the policy and practical levels, will be documented and shared for broader use across the EU.
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Marjut Villanen
RDI specialist
marjut [dot] villanenatlab [dot] fi