Artificial intelligence in the ecosystem of the creative and cultural industry (CCI) - LuovAIn!
Creative and cultural industries (CCI) are central to the diverse development and well-being of society, generating and maintaining social inclusion, economic well-being and growth and employment based on creative skills. (TEM, 2020) These sectors also contribute to a wider European identity, culture and values, while providing growth opportunities and jobs, especially for young people, and supporting social cohesion (European Commission, 2023). However, with globalization and technological development, these sectors must also be able to adapt and renew themselves in order to remain viable. The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in productization and innovation has been recognized in many sectors, but its utilization in the creative and cultural industries is only at the beginning not only in Finland, but also more broadly in Europe (H2020 DISCE, 2022). The goal of this project is to strengthen the role of the creative and cultural industries as part of the economy's productivity and sustainable competitiveness, by promoting the use of artificial intelligence in the different stages of the design process (the so-called double diamond: discover, define, design, deliver).
In addition, the project will increase the interaction of CCI operators in order to identify new (cross-)regional cooperation opportunities, as well as to promote strategic brand expertise and smart and sustainable growth. In addition to traditional CCI operators, business and regional developers nationwide will be involved in the project in order to jointly develop business expertise related to the creative and cultural sectors and to strengthen the capacity of platform economy expertise.
In the last few months, the world has been awakened to notice that the development of accessible artificial intelligence has led to practical applications that make work easier, more efficient and more versatile. This also applies to doing creative work. At the same time, the amount of working time used for creative work and innovations increases. This project responds to the need that creators of creative work have in integrating artificial intelligence into the development process of products and services. Operators in creative industries are often micro or small entrepreneurs, and their products or services are based on personal skills and experience. Operators do not always have the necessary networks and training to map, try out and implement the latest tools. The LuovAIn! project corrects this skills gap and brings new AI tools within the reach of operators in the creative industries through workshops, training materials and roadshow interventions. This ensures that the development of artificial intelligence awareness and competence is promoted throughout the entire creative industries and that the fruits of AI development work do not accrue only to large companies, but the benefits can also be targeted to the daily activities of the domestic creative sectors and the cultural sector and to the strengthening of joint development.
In addition, the project will increase the interaction of CCI operators in order to identify new (cross-)regional cooperation opportunities, as well as to promote strategic brand expertise and smart and sustainable growth. In addition to traditional CCI operators, business and regional developers nationwide will be involved in the project in order to jointly develop business expertise related to the creative and cultural sectors and to strengthen the capacity of platform economy expertise.
In the last few months, the world has been awakened to notice that the development of accessible artificial intelligence has led to practical applications that make work easier, more efficient and more versatile. This also applies to doing creative work. At the same time, the amount of working time used for creative work and innovations increases. This project responds to the need that creators of creative work have in integrating artificial intelligence into the development process of products and services. Operators in creative industries are often micro or small entrepreneurs, and their products or services are based on personal skills and experience. Operators do not always have the necessary networks and training to map, try out and implement the latest tools. The LuovAIn! project corrects this skills gap and brings new AI tools within the reach of operators in the creative industries through workshops, training materials and roadshow interventions. This ensures that the development of artificial intelligence awareness and competence is promoted throughout the entire creative industries and that the fruits of AI development work do not accrue only to large companies, but the benefits can also be targeted to the daily activities of the domestic creative sectors and the cultural sector and to the strengthening of joint development.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2021-2027

LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation