HyTeLab - Päijät-Häme's wellbeing technology test and development environment

HyTeLab master
The HyTeLab project builds an innovation, test and development environment for welfare technology at NiemiCampus in Lahti, Finland. The premises serve as a collaborative platform for innovation, enabling players from different fields to meet, research and collaborate.

Well-being technology is a growing business area that is of great importance for the sustainable production of social and health services, the vitality of the regions and the development of business. In particular, there is a need for creating technological solutions genuinely hand in hand with service development, thus meeting the needs of end-users and operating environments. Then will technology and services support the same goal.

The strategic goal of the HyTeLab project is to strengthen the R&D activities related to the welfare technology of Päijät-Häme and to increase the national and international competitiveness of the local welfare companies and public sector actors. In addition, regional businesses are offered opportunities to access national and international health ecosystems, thereby enhancing the wellbeing-related innovations.

Practical piloting, technology and robotic testing and development is open for any company doing business in social and health care technology. Project measures include product testing and technology usability assessment in development environments as well as in authentic operating environments.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020
LAB role
Lead partner
Health Care and Social Services
Project focus area
Human well-being
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Pirjo Tuusjärvi
RDI specialist
pirjo [dot] tuusjarviatlab [dot] fi
Project partners