Degree Show

MI Degree Show showcases annually the thesis work of graduating students from LAB University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Design and Fine Arts. The student work is from the fields of design and visual communication. This annual exhibition is put together and designed by collaboration between the students. In addition to a physical exhibition, the exhibition concept takes place in digital platforms .

Reflection – Degree Show 2021 

The exhibition examines topical subjects every year. This year the connecting theme throughout the entire exhibition is reflection – a vital process for all humans. It is a deeper and more analytical frame of mind, which is why it is so important for future professionals of design and visual communication.

In these theses the graduating students have studied interesting and thought-provoking subjects of the times we live in. Many of them can be connected to the big changes and turning points of our society, like sustainable ways of living or the expanding idea of beauty and diversity. This year,  the works of the graduates are displayed as posters in an outdoor-exhibition during the month of May. The opening week is simultaneously with Lahti Green Design Week and the celebration can be enjoyed through Instagram in the form of speeches, music and other festivities. 

Welcome to the exhibition on 4-25.5.2021 in the Malski area (Väinö Hovilan puistotie) and to Instagram @mi_degreeshow & #degreeshow2021

Degree Show 2021 team 

Production: Susanna Björklund, Sanni Mäntylä, Oona Nikula 
Curating: Lotta Veirto, Outi Wright 
Experience design, collaborations: Satu Kiiski, Enni Könönen, Veera Maunula, Fanny Wiik 
Graphic design: Camilla Checchi, Amanda Sandell, Carlota Vallvé 
Exhibition architecture: Miriam Pfeiffer, Iida Saastamoinen, Luisa Steinle, Fanny Taipale, Laura Schneider, Maria Luib 
Tutors: Henri Halla-Aho, Marion Robinson 
We would like to thank; Hilma Heinonen, Claudia Hirvonen, Caroline Taucher 

Further information

Susanna Björklund
susanna [dot] bjorklundatlab [dot] fi