A peek into student life – the ABCs of student events

Student events are a visible and essential part of the university years for many. In both of our campus cities, Lahti and Lappeenranta, there are events throughout the year. The summer break is naturally a quieter period for student events, but even then, there are often summer sitsit events and picnics organized in our campus cities.
Student events are often organized by student associations. In addition, various student clubs, guilds, and unions organize events in both campus cities. Essentially, all student events in Lahti and Lappeenranta are open to all students from LAB University of Applied Sciences and LUT University, unless otherwise stated.

Many student events have a primary dress code of overalls
Most likely derived from the word "approbatur," which has been used to refer to basic studies at university. Approbatur is also the lowest passing grade, so literally, "approbatur" means 'accepted.'
During appro, participants casually explore the city's nightlife, depending on the nature of the event, such as bars, restaurants, or sports and recreational facilities. Participants collect stamps in their passports, and based on the number of stamps, they receive a playful degree from the appros.
In Lahti, the traditional Aleksanterinkatu appro takes place in spring. Additionally, in Lahti, there are KOEputki, LiMu, LiiKu, and Sataman Appro events. In Lappeenranta, similar to Lahti, there are Koeputki and LiikuAppro events, as well as events like Karjala Appro, Mättö Appro, and Willimiehen Wipellys.
Fuksiaiset (Fresher party)
Derived from the word "fuksi," which refers to a first-year student. Likely borrowed from the German word "Fuchs," meaning fox.
The student union KOE organizes fresher race in the autumn, which is a checkpoint tour intended for new students. Students visit various checkpoints and try to collect points from different tasks. The theme of fresher race changes annually, and typically the team that collects the most points and is best dressed is rewarded.
In spring, in both campus cities, there are also "shadow fresher race " for students starting in January and for all other fresher-minded individuals.
Often held the day after annual celebrations, "sillis" refers to a herring brunch. Sillis is a more relaxed event than annual galas, often involving activities like eating, sauna, and music. The dress code for sillis is student overalls, unless otherwise instructed.
Sitsit (Sitsfest – Sitz party)
An academic dinner party involving toasting, eating, drinking, and singing. The tradition has been imported from Sweden and somewhat resembles crayfish parties. Over the years, sitsit have evolved into slightly different forms in each city.
Vappu (International Workers' Day – May Day)
Vappu, the grandest, most beautiful, and undoubtedly longest of student events, at least in the case of Lappeenranta: Lappeenranta's Vappu is known as Finland's longest. For example, in 2024, Vappu lasts a staggering 36 days. In Lahti, Vappu has been extending year by year and lasts, for instance, 22 days in 2024.
A student's Vappu is filled with various events, gatherings, overall parties, and institution-specific traditions. Explore, for example, Finland's longest Wappu and its program here.
Vujut (Annual Gala)
Anniversary galas, meaning the student organization or student union's birthdays, usually involve elegant academic dinner parties. The dress code for anniversary celebrations is typically a tailcoat/dark suit. Similar to Sitsit, Vujut involve eating, drinking, singing, and toasting, and in addition to these, there are often speeches. Some student organizations have galas annually, but most do so every five years.

Vappu, the grandest, most beautiful, and undoubtedly longest of student events