

StartHub startup community

In the Startup Center you’ll find a wide range of services and facilities to support startup entrepreneurship. Come boost your business and network!

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Speed up – to successful business through accelerator!

Accelerator services

Yrityskiihdyttämö sparraa yrittämisestä kiinnostuneita


Startup Accelerator coaches promising startups, entrepreneurs and students, as well as university researchers and employees who are planning to become entrepreneurs. We coach in business planning, finding potential customers, getting funding and protection of intellectual property rights. Coaching is free of charge and an easy way of getting support. Reserve your coaching session by contacting us!





Yrityskiihdyttämö järjestää vuosittain STORM-liikeideakilpailun

STORM Idea Contest

Startup Accelerator organises a yearly STORM Idea Contest. The contest aims to find and develop new business ideas with commercial potential. STORM gives you the opportunity to develop your business idea; and the publicity you get from the contest can promote marketing and help to raise funding to commercialise your innovation. You can find information on the application period, the business idea form, and rules from our website.





Yrityskiihdyttämö järjestää vuosittain kiihdytysohjelman

Startup Accelerator Program

LAB Startup Accelerator organises a yearly Startup Accelerator Program to support you in starting your business. The Startup Accelerator Program focuses in important topics for a startup entrepreneur, such as choosing company form, funding, marketing, and intellectual and contractual matters. In the Startup Accelerator Program the participants are mentored by experienced entrepreneurs and specialists, and new startup entrepreneurs share their own experiences. You can learn more about the Startup Acceleration Program from various communication platforms, but you can also contact us for more information!




Yrityskiihdyttämö tukee alueen yritysten, uusien yrittäjien ja yrittäjäksi aikovien verkostoitumista


Startup Accelerator supports the networking between companies, new startups and those who want to become entrepreneurs. Startup Accelerator also enables the utilisation of the resources of LAB University of Applied Sciences for developing new innovations. In our networks we have great expertise in design and technology, strong experience in marketing, sales and business, as well as firm knowledge in finance and intellectual property rights. New startups that are being created through our services add to the already existing network of experts. Through us the new startups get new customers and growing companies find effective partners for successful development of their businesses.

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