Research permits

If your research targets LAB University of Applied Sciences, its staff or students, you may need a research permit from LAB University of Applied Sciences.


  • LAB University of Applied Sciences does not provide information about its staff or students for research purposes, but it can pass on the requests to the target groups in question. 
  • The researcher must comply with the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (RI Guidelines 2023)
  • Research permit application must include a research plan and a data protection statement. Depending on the case, further documents may be required.
  • The applicant will be informed of the decision on the research permit application. 
  • For research targeting LAB University of Applied Sciences, its staff or students, the research permit it granted by Vice President for RDI or a person authorized by them.
  • Note: Thesis permits for LAB students' theses are applied separately (see thesis guidelines on eLAB for more information).

When a research permit is required?

A research permit is required from persons not affiliated with LAB University of Applied Sciences or LUT University when research is carried out on the organisation, personnel or students of LAB University of Applied Sciences or LUT University, and the research plan meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • the research design requires ethical review, 
  • the research affects the performance of the work of the university staff or the teaching of students (e.g., when an intervention is made in a teaching situation),
  • university students are observed, interviewed or asked to respond to surveys during teaching or in comparable situations,
  • the subject of the research is university equipment, enclosed spaces, or events to which the public is not admitted, OR 
  • there is another specific reason for applying for a research permit.

Research permit is not required when

  • the research is carried out by a member of LAB or LUT staff or student (Note: A separate permit requirement exists for LAB students' theses, see eLAB for more information). The staff of LUT Universities may themselves agree informally on the implementation of the research with the relevant party.

Generally, a research permit is not required when

  • the above-mentioned research permit criteria are not met, and the survey or information about the research is requested to be forwarded via the LAB or LUT information systems (e.g. intra, Viva Engage, email lists) to staff and/or students in general. Inquiries can be sent to ethicsatlab [dot] fi (ethics[at]lab[dot]fi).  The administrator of the information system decides whether forwarding the invitation to participate in research is appropriate. If the administrator of the information system decides that the request requires more detailed consideration, they may require that the sender applies for a research permit.
  • requesting the university to disclose register or document data under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. In this case, an information request must be made to LAB [dot] Asiakirjatatlut [dot] fi (LAB[dot]Asiakirjat[at]lut[dot]fi).

Apply for research permit

Research permit application must include a research plan and a data protection statement. Depending on the case, further documents may be required.