YRRE – Yrittäjäreservien kehittäminen
South Karelia’s population development and especially the amount of people in working life age groups are declining considerably in the coming years. This development is very concerning and there is an immediate need to find ways to create new companies and workplaces. At the same time, there are aging entrepreneurs who aim to retire and there is a need to find new entrepreneurs to continue the businesses in order to avoid losing the work places in these companies.
Currently the potential entrepreneurs, ownership changes and the innovations from the campus do not meet well
enough. There is a need for a network and forums where the experienced and educated business oriented
entrepreneurs and new and continuing business ideas meet.
Main targets for the project is to find new key persons and business oriented entrepreneurs to take the knowledge-based innovations to create new business and increase chances to continue and develop the businesses after ownership changes. This will need network creations and forum inside South Karelia and nationwide activities to increase the awareness of suitable people.
Main results are connected to the improved and shortened ownership changes in companies, creating new start-ups and accelerating the growth of new companies. In short term aim is to match innovations and entrepreneurs together in a better way, improve the awareness of entrepreneurship as a career, spreading the entrepreneur network and more systematic approach. In long term aim is to strengthen the entrepreneur spirit in the region, increase businesses, increase the turnover and strengthen the labor market in the region.
Currently the potential entrepreneurs, ownership changes and the innovations from the campus do not meet well
enough. There is a need for a network and forums where the experienced and educated business oriented
entrepreneurs and new and continuing business ideas meet.
Main targets for the project is to find new key persons and business oriented entrepreneurs to take the knowledge-based innovations to create new business and increase chances to continue and develop the businesses after ownership changes. This will need network creations and forum inside South Karelia and nationwide activities to increase the awareness of suitable people.
Main results are connected to the improved and shortened ownership changes in companies, creating new start-ups and accelerating the growth of new companies. In short term aim is to match innovations and entrepreneurs together in a better way, improve the awareness of entrepreneurship as a career, spreading the entrepreneur network and more systematic approach. In long term aim is to strengthen the entrepreneur spirit in the region, increase businesses, increase the turnover and strengthen the labor market in the region.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ERDF 2014-2020

LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation