Teams - developing quality and involvement in higher education's remote interaction

The project aims to develop new methods for remote counseling and studying that can support higher education

students' social involvement and working life capabilities in times of remote life due to the Covid-19. The previous good experiences of simulation pedagogy are utilized in the project but also other participating and interactive methods will be applied. Study counselors and teachers' remote interaction practices will be strengthened by the methods to be developed and tested in the project. The new methods, tools, and skills will help to strengthen student's professional identity and working life capabilities. Furthermore, the methods will offer a meaningful way to learn and interact remotely. As a result of this, the project will prevent the interruption of studies as well as social exclusion.

As a short period, the project supports social involvement and working life capabilities in distance studying. However, remote working and studying are anticipated to continue to grow also in the future, after the Covid-19 crisis. If so, it is necessary to strengthen remote interaction methods suiting for working life, study counseling, and teaching also in the long period. In addition to this, developing remote studying models of the project promotes social involvement and climate-friendly operation models.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
ESR 2014-2020 Flat Rate
LAB role
Lead partner
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Sustainable Development Goals
Project managers
Elina Ruokoski
RDI specialist
elina [dot] ruokoskiatlab [dot] fi