SLEM -Entrepreneurial Self-Leadership Education through Virtual Training

The participating organizations will develop, implement, and test a training program to improve the entrepreneurial mindset and skills of high school and university students via the use of mindfulness-based self-leadership methods.
Project period
Project state
Project area
Project funding
Erasmus 2014-2020
LAB role
Business and Hospitality Management
Project focus area
Intangible value creation
Takes place in project

The draft manual is completed and being tested with the pilot groups. The course Manual will be available for teachers in Spring 2023.

Two courses are created and piloted in Autumn 2022, and now available in Peppi (for LAB students), Campus Online (for Finnish UAS students), and Open University (everyone interested).

Links to the courses:

Please watch the video about the courses and experiences of our students who took part in our pilot:

Publications in the project:

  1. K. Liukko T. Väänänen 2021 Itsensä johtamisen taidot koskevat jokaista
  2. O. Bogdanova, 2022. The art of being present
  3. O. Bogdanova,  K. Brusila-Meltovaara, S. Moder, J. Tenschert; N. Stojčić, K. Vojvodić, 2022. Developing an Entrepreneurial Self-Leadership and Mindfulness-based Course in International Collaboration
  4. O. Bogdanova, 2022. Entrepreneurial Self-Leadership and Mindfulness: Curricula Outline and Educator Guidelines
  5. O. Bogdanova, 2022. The SLEM Training Programme - Resilience and creativity with self-leadership and mindfulness skills
  6. M. Sabeva, 2022. Enhancement of student entrepreneurship competencies through self-leadership & mindfulness training : SLEM Academy (Erasmus+ Project)
  7. O. Bogdanova, 2023. Cultivating well-being through gratitude, LAB Focus blog
  8. K. Liukko, 2023. Aloittamisen vaikeus ja kuinka se taklataan, LAB Focus blog
  9. K. Liukko, 2023. Aikatauluttamisen sietämätön keveys, LAB Focus blog
The participating organizations will develop, implement, and test a training program to improve the entrepreneurial mindset and skills of high school and university students via the use of mindfulness-based self-leadership methods.
Realisation of goals
First, the partners will jointly develop a course manual comprised of a theoretical foundation on the methods employed as well as practical exercises for students to reflect on themselves, set goals, and plan their implementation. The course manual will be used to design and record a video course to help facilitate the presentation and delivery of the contents in the course manual. The addition of a video course will make the students' participation in the training a multisensory experience when compared to merely reading the manual, which has been shown to improve learning effectiveness. Following the recording of the video course, the partner organizations will conduct a baseline assessment of their students' proficiency in self-leadership skills and entrepreneurial cognition and mindset. Afterward, each organization will teach the course to their enrolled students and, then, repeat the assessment. The results will be compared to those of a wait-list control group. This allows conclusions to be drawn as to the effectiveness of the course material in training the skills and abilities that the course was designed to train. The organizations will engage in scientifically rigorous methods of analysis to explore whether a causal link between participation between a student's participation in the training and an improvement in their personal entrepreneurial skills and mindset can be established. Each partner will create an individual case report on the experiences they acquired during the teaching of the course at their institution. These case reports will then be collated, compared, and conflated to form an overarching case study, which serves as guidance for third party organizations that wish to teach the developed course material to their students after this project is completed.
The project is designed to yield three tangible outputs: a training manual, a guided video course, and a case report of best practices in implementing the course. Participating students will benefit from improved personal faculties, such as self-efficacy, self-awareness, and self-confidence, which drive entrepreneurial intentions, actions, and success.
Sustainable Development Goals


Project managers
Olga Bogdanova
olga [dot] bogdanovaatlab [dot] fi

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